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Panel: CIAM and Customer Data Platforms

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 11:40—12:00
Location: B05

Enterprises are increasingly finding value in Customer Data Platforms, which unify sources and views of customer data from multiple systems. CIAM solutions are also widespread and are diversifying their features sets. We'll look at the intersections and differences between CDP and CIAM in this session.

Roland Bühler
Roland Bühler
Roland Bühler is focused on technology consulting and project management in the marketing and media sector. He is helping companies to automate marketing and to create digital customer journey...
John Tolbert
John Tolbert
  John Tolbert is a Lead Analyst and Managing Director of KuppingerCole, Inc (US). As Lead Analyst, John covers a number of different research areas, outlined below. John also advises...
Wouter de Wit
Wouter de Wit
Wouter de Wit is Product Manager at OneWelcome. He is responsible for key components of the identity platform with applications like User Journey Orchestration and Consent & Preference...
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