Roland Bühler
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Roland Bühler

Senior Analyst

Roland Bühler is focused on technology consulting and project management in the marketing and media sector. He is helping companies to automate marketing and to create digital customer journey maps. Considering privacy and information security aspects is mandatory in his area of activity.

Roland has experience from working at well-known agencies, IT and media companies as a consultant, technical director and business manager. He has been in charge of many international marketing IT projects for customers in industry, automotive, retail and FMCG branches.

Since 2017 Roland cooperates with KuppingerCole as a senior analyst with focus on marketing automation oriented topics.

Roland Bühler
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May 12, 2022
11:40 - 12:00
Panel: CIAM and Customer Data Platforms
Combined Session
May 12, 2022
12:40 - 13:00
Panel: How to improve customer IAM and CIAM
Combined Session

May 12, 2022
11:00 - 13:00
Customer Focused Identity
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