Cyber Insurance Policies
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Why Many MFA Programs Fail Strong Authentication Cyber Insurance Criteria - And What to do About It.

Combined Session
Friday, May 12, 2023 11:50—12:10
Location: A 03-04

Like many businesses, you started the MFA journey and might even consider it at a level of maturity. Yet, when questioned to rate compliance coverage or cyber insurance requirements for strong authentication business-wide, do you have a moment?

Workforce identity workflows are complicated, with an extensive portfolio of assets and legacy applications that create gaps in strong authentication coverage. However, organizations need to trust nothing and no one - and have to prove strong authentication is in place to regulators and cyber insurance underwriters.

In this session we will explore ways to strengthen your authentication system and fill coverage gaps:

Why Many MFA Programs Fail Strong Authentication Cyber Insurance Criteria - And What to do About It.
Event Recording
Why Many MFA Programs Fail Strong Authentication Cyber Insurance Criteria - And What to do About It.
Click here to watch the recording of this session. Please note that this video is only available to event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to watch it.
Why Many MFA Programs Fail Strong Authentication Cyber Insurance Criteria - And What to do About It.
Presentation deck
Why Many MFA Programs Fail Strong Authentication Cyber Insurance Criteria - And What to do About It.
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Gerhard Zehethofer
Gerhard Zehethofer
Secret Double Octopus
Gerhard is passionate about technology and the role it can play in improving people’s lives. As a digital identity native, he is focusing on helping organizations to solve the identity access...
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