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Solving "The Right to be Forgotten" for Blockchains

Combined Session
Friday, May 13, 2022 11:10—11:30
Location: B05

"The Right to be Forgotten" presents a conundrum to builders of blockchain solutions, because the focus of most blockchains is to create an indelible, permanent record. This makes "The Right to be Forgotten" appear irreconcilable with blockchains. I will present a solution to "The Right to be Forgotten" that can be applied to most every blockchain, subject to governance approval by the stakeholders. The solution does not violate the integrity of the blockchain record.

Event Recording
Solving "The Right to be Forgotten" for Blockchains
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Presentation deck
Solving "The Right to be Forgotten" for Blockchains
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Jeff Stollman
Jeff Stollman
Jeff Stollman, principal consultant at Rocky Mountain Technical Marketing, is a technology futurist who advises clients on the viability and strategies for exploiting new technologies. He has been...
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