Business Impact of Cyberattacks
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Preserving Privacy in Identity-Aware Customer Applications

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 17:30—18:00
Location: A03-04

 As customer identity programs mature, they bring new opportunities and risks. In the rush to launch new customer experiences, personal data is over-exposed and over-replicated. The default is to ship all identity attributes, to all systems, on every request in order to make access decisioning easier for application developers.

This approach disperses identity information across the application stack; which increases risks of data breach, data loss, and compromised identities. As a result, consumers lose trust and new business opportunities falter; or worse, customers like the new experience, but its success creates security and compliance liabilities that expand exponentially. To remediate the risk, data teams enter a never-ending cycle of costly data analysis and audits.

Identity architects and developers need to address privacy requirements earlier - not in post-collection data management, but instead in the application development process. While Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default principles are a helpful framework, they offer little practical guidance for developers to actually build privacy-preserving applications.

We will discuss how to use identity data at run-time, in the context of the application; how to retrofit existing applications with privacy requirements; and how to easily evolve applications over time.

Preserving Privacy in Identity-Aware Customer Applications
Event Recording
Preserving Privacy in Identity-Aware Customer Applications
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Preserving Privacy in Identity-Aware Customer Applications
Presentation deck
Preserving Privacy in Identity-Aware Customer Applications
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Mayur Upadhyaya
Mayur Upadhyaya
Mayur is the CEO of Contxt, a privacy layer for customer identity. Previously he was AVP Identity Cloud at Akamai technologies where he led the former Janrain team after acquisition. In 2014 he...
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