IGA Innovation
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Trimming down User Access Governance to its Essentials

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 17:30—17:40
Location: B07-08

Securing access to data and applications has become a cornerstone of any modern cybersecurity strategy.

In the IAM market, user access governance projects have a history of incurring multi-year roll-outs and requiring specialized personnel, making many companies shy away and bear excessive cyber risk.

In this space, Elimity tries to break the status quo. As an innovator, Elimity provides a data-driven platform that specifically offers the essentials for user access governance: automated data collection, holistic risk analytics and user-friendly access reviews integrated with ITSM. As a result, the platform lets companies achieve mature access governance in a matter of days, not months.

In this session, Maarten will give an overview of the essentials of user access governance, showcase the Elimity platform and how it is successfully applied in practice.

Trimming down User Access Governance to its Essentials
Event Recording
Trimming down User Access Governance to its Essentials
Click here to watch the recording of this session. You'll need to log in to watch it.
Trimming down User Access Governance to its Essentials
Presentation deck
Trimming down User Access Governance to its Essentials
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Dr. Maarten Decat
Dr. Maarten Decat
Maarten is Elimity's founder and CEO. Maarten is a highly-skilled Identity and Access Management professional with a history of working in, amongst others, the financial services industry and...
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