Human-Centric Identity Management
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The Identity R/Evolution

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 14:30—15:00
Location: B09

The identity r/evolution is ongoing. For a while it seemed that not much has changed since Kim Cameron spearheaded the discussion about “The Laws of identity”. New technologies like Privacy-ABC based on ZKP were ready to provide the user with control over how much personal data he wants to disclose, while promising, commercial solutions were neither accepted by the market nor solving the problem of reliability of transactions exhaustively. Today, the new decentralized digital identity model of Self-Sovereign Identity, utilizing verifiable credentials and Decentralized Identifiers, is giving new hope of finding sustainable solutions. This session will map out the main questions around privacy within this context:

The Identity R/Evolution
Event Recording
The Identity R/Evolution
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The Identity R/Evolution
Presentation deck
The Identity R/Evolution
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Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
IAPP - International Association of Privacy Professionals
Mark is Director of Research and Insights at International Association of Privacy Professionals. In this role, Mark is focused on providing, relevant, strategic and pragmatic research and insights...
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