Directories in the Age of Cloud
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Panel: The Future of Corporate Directories in the Cloud Era. Will they Survive?

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:30—13:00
Location: A05-06

In this session we will have a look at traditional corporate directy systems and discuss wether, how and where they will survive a cloud first stragey.

Sylvain Cortes
Sylvain Cortes
Sylvain Cortes is an Identity & Access Management (IAM) and cybersecurity expert. He works mainly with large organizations to execute identity and directories governance projects, including...
Anmol Singh
Anmol Singh
Anmol Singh is a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft and brings more than 20 years of cybersecurity experience focused on IAM and related security technologies. Through his career, Singh has...
Sadrick Widmann
Sadrick Widmann
Sadrick Widmann joined the company to transform his management and IT talent into a compelling and intelligent customer solution. As the CEO of Widas ID, together with Yael Widmann he is...
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