Building the Infrastructure for Decentralization
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Remote onboarding with Verifiable Credentials

Combined Session
Thursday, May 12, 2022 12:00—12:20
Location: B09

Many companies are engaging in remote onboarding and need to adopt new methods of identity verification that can be done digitally. While new forms of ID verification are most prevalent today with Financial Services as a means of performing Know-Your-Customer regulations, there is nascent adoption across other industry verticals. In this session, the speakers will demonstrate an open standard based approach to ID verification based on verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers for remote onboarding across industries. With this new approach users can verify their identity once and use their credentials with any organization. Enterprises can leverage this simpler cost-saving approach to remotely onboard employees, partners and customers compliantly while respecting the end users’ privacy.

Remote onboarding with Verifiable Credentials
Event Recording
Remote onboarding with Verifiable Credentials
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Remote onboarding with Verifiable Credentials
Presentation deck
Remote onboarding with Verifiable Credentials
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Ankur Patel
Ankur Patel
Ankur Patel leads Growth for Identity Security at Microsoft, championing the cause that everyone has the right to own their digital identity. His team delivers this new form of verifiable...
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