Digital Transformation: From Idea to Reality
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Implementing Multi-Region Identity Identifiers and IAM

Combined Session
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 17:50—18:10
Location: B07-08

Software systems need Identity identifiers for distinction and persistence. Actually, possibility to distinguish identities is needed for us, humans, using these systems.  Persistence of identifiers is needed by software systems and question of persistence arose on the same day when computers became able to run more than one process and store data electronically. As a system designer and developer, I will talk about challenges and considerations related to Identity identifiers in non-homogeneus environments.

Implementing Multi-Region Identity Identifiers and IAM
Event Recording
Implementing Multi-Region Identity Identifiers and IAM
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Implementing Multi-Region Identity Identifiers and IAM
Presentation deck
Implementing Multi-Region Identity Identifiers and IAM
Click here to download the slide deck. Please note that downloads are only available for event participants and subscribers. You'll need to log in to download it.
Neeme Vool
Neeme Vool
Neeme Vool is currently working as Software Engineer and Architect in the Digital Identity department at Swedbank. Small and professional team is implementing IAM processes for the whole big...
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