Thomas Davies
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Thomas Davies

Partner, Cyber Security and Risk Consulting Managed Services National Lead
KPMG Canada

Thomas is a Partner in KPMG in Canada's Cyber Security practice and leads the Risk Consulting Managed Services. Over the past 20 years, Thomas has built cyber security practices and capabilities for some of the world’s largest consultancies, private equity firms, and global financial institutions. He’s also implemented risk mitigation solutions including data governance and protection, customer identity and trust, and protected analytics.

In his role as Risk Consulting Managed Services leader, he makes a difference for clients by collaborating with global KPMG thought leaders to build relevant capabilities and scaling them through innovative technology. These managed services, across areas such as cyber defense, regulatory compliance, fraud prevention, and employee enablement, help clients build capacity and strategic focus, ultimately creating greater value to support business growth and trust in the market.

Having spent many years on both the client and consulting side, Thomas offers his unique insights and perspectives to lead digital value creation and cyber protection initiatives, across industries such as financial services and critical infrastructure. He also participates in the development of talent within the identity industry through neurodivergent programs and non-profits such as Women in Identity.

Thomas Davies
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