Hinrich Völcker
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Hinrich Völcker

Deutsche Börse

Hinrich Völcker acts as Chief Security Officer (CSO) for Deutsche Börse Group (DBG), fostering the accountability Information as well as Physical Security globally. His role covers all aspects of Cyber Security, with a holistic view on Identification, Protection, Detection, Response and Recovery.

In close alignment with his team and boards & committees Hinrich supports and consults the Group to enable business, evaluate the Cyber Threat landscape, and drive Security into the DNA of the organization. Driving an impactfull and constructive collaboration within the IT Community and proactively raising awareness at business and boards & committees he constantly engages with internal and external experts and stakeholders. Outside the organization he cooperates ad interacts with national and international authorities and supports sharing initiatives with his peers.

Prior to his role at Deutsche Börse, Hinrich was Managing Director at Deutsche Bank and responsible for Global Financial Crime Investigations from 2017-2020.

From 2009 to 2016 Hinrich built up the Cyber Security function of Deutsche Bank globally with operational units in Frankfurt, London, New York, and Singapore. In parallel he was Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Deutsche Bank AG.

2006 to 2009 Hinrich took over the role as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Enterprise Services of Deutsche Bank cross US, APAC, and UK out of New York, providing shared IT infrastructure as well as compute and data platforms for business IT units in these regions.

Prior to this engagement he worked as Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Deutsche Bank’s Cash-Business and Interbank Clearing.

Hinrich started his career with IBM servicing mainly financial institutions. He holds a degree of computer science from the University in Frankfurt.

Hinrich Völcker
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May 10, 2022
14:00 - 14:30
CISO Panel: Securing the Composable Enterprise
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