René Rindermann
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René Rindermann


René Rindermann joined E.ON in 2000 after completing his Business Economics Studies, majoring in Business Information Systems. He worked as a Consultant, Sales Controller and Head of Marketing & Sales Back office in different parts of Germany at E.ON. In 2008 he was appointed Managing Director of a Dutch Subsidiary of E.ON.

In 2010, he picked up Program Mgmt. for Infrastructure Outsourcing at E.ON, managing the Deal-, Transition- and Transformations-Phase in addition to the leadership of the unit Infrastructure Project Portfolio Mgmt.

In 2014 he started in Cyber Security. First as Program Manager of E.ON’s IT Security Improvement Program, building the new IT Security Organization at E.ON that he started leading in January 2015. In 2017 René became CISO of E.ON and is leading the groupwide Cyber Security Organization by then. Together with his groupwide team, consisting of approx. 200 professionals in 15 countries, he is taking care of Cyber Security in IT and OT, ensuring a secure implementation of E.ON’s Business Strategy.

René Rindermann
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May 10, 2022
14:00 - 14:30
CISO Panel: Securing the Composable Enterprise
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