John Wunderlich
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John Wunderlich

John Wunderlich & Associates

John Wunderlich is a data protection professional and expert witness who has worked and consulted about privacy, data protection, and security for over 20 years in multiple jurisdictions. He has provided advice and consulting services to multiple public and private sector organizations in Canada, the United States and abroad. He is a participant and leader in international privacy standards including the ISO, IEEE, and the Kantara Initiative. He serves as the Chief Privacy Officer for JLINC Labs, a Bay Area start-up that has developed protocols and software for data governance and accountability that addresses multiple privacy standards and regulations. Before launching his consulting practice, he designed and implemented process improvement, security & privacy programs and was a senior policy advisor to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

Mr. Wunderlich is the vice-chair of the IEEE P7002 Data Privacy Process Working Group, leading an effort to develop a standard for privacy engineering. In the Kantara Initiative, he has contributed to several efforts, most recently on privacy and identity protection in mobile Driving License ecosystems. He is member of the Standards Council of Canada ISO working group for the development of security and privacy standards. He is also a member of the CIO Strategy Council group that is developing a National Technical Specification for digital credentials and digital trust services. Mr. Wunderlich is a privacy member for the Toronto SickKids Hospital Research Ethics Board. He teaches privacy and security related courses at the University of Guelph. This includes courses for the Ontario Association of School Board Officials. He has authored or contributed to several books and is a frequent speaker at privacy and security conferences as well as a sought-after commentator on privacy issues in the print and broadcast media.

He is a member and Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), holding both a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Canada (CIPP/C) and a Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) certification. He is a Gold Member of ISACA. Mr. Wunderlich has an B.A. (Hon. History) from the University of Manitoba and an M.B.A. from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.

John Wunderlich
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May 10, 2022
08:30 - 12:30
Standards Matter. Trustworthy use of Identity and Personal Data
Pre-conference Event
May 12, 2022
12:20 - 12:40
Privacy Enhancing Mobile Credentials
Combined Session
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