Ken Ebert
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Ken Ebert


Prior to, Ken was the Sovrin Foundation Software Architect and Open Standards Engineer providing improved functionality and interoperability, such as rich schema support for the Sovrin ecosystem, while also editing community efforts to build and deploy the software. He was focused on open standards, such as the Verifiable Credentials and DID specifications, and promotion of the adoption of and compliance with standards at Sovrin. He is currently working on Verifiable Credentials standards work and Architect for rich schemas.
Ken formerly held positions as Chief Technology Officer, Perfect Search/IMAT Solutions, Senior Manager Software Development/Senior Software Architect at Symantec, Founder/Director of Engineering for Senforce, Consulting Engineer at 3COM, Senior Software Engineer for Vinca/Legato, Senior Software Engineer at Novell, Consulting Engineer for IBM/Ford Computing Center, and Member of Technical Staff for ITT Advance Technology Center.
Ken holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Brigham Young University.

Ken Ebert
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