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Jasmine Eskenzi

Jasmine Eskenzi

Co-Founder & CEO
The Zensory
Jasmine is the Co-Founder & CEO of The Zensory, an award-winning organisation dedicated to boosting both wellbeing and productivity. Jasmine and her team have helped over 100,000 people worldwide to maintain a healthy work-life balance and reduce burnout, and she is passionate in her mission to ensure that the future of the workplace is more mindful, careful and secure. Deemed one of the Most Inspiring Women in Cyber 2024, Jasmine has focused primarily on supporting cyber security professionals, so that cyber security can truly be a people-first industry.

Having formerly worked within NHSx and the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity in the UK, Jasmine found her passion for science-backed wellbeing solutions. Through this, Jasmine and her team of academics and neuroscientists have developed renowned techniques and tools, and made them accessible to all, through their app, course, spaces and workshops. The Zensory has been critically acclaimed, with mentions in national publications around the world, such as The Independent, Mashable, Fortune, The Metro and more. 

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