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Thomas Tschersich

Thomas Tschersich

Deutsche Telekom
Thomas Tschersich, Diploma in engineering (University of Applied Sciences), is Chief Security Officer (CSO) of Deutsche Telekom AG. In this function, he is responsible for cyber security as well as all other operational security issues at Deutsche Telekom. Thomas Tschersich is also Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, which was founded on July 1, 2020.

Tschersich, born in 1969, is Member of the Board of Deutschland sicher im Netz and active in numerous advisory functions, including being a member of the Cyber Security Council, the UP Kritis Council and the Advisory board of ENISA

After studying electrical power engineering at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences (Diploma in engineering), Thomas Tschersich joined Deutsche Telekom in 1995 and has held various management positions. After setting up the network security team at DeTeCSM until 2001, he took over as head of the security strategy and policy department at Telekom headquarters. From 2007 to 2009, he established the Technical Security Services division and then the Group IT Security division. After taking over as Head of Group Security Services in 2014, he held the position of Chief Security Officer of the Deutsche Telekom Group. He has been Head of Internal Security & Cyber Defense at Telekom Security since January 2017 and was appointed CSO of Deutsche Telekom AG in June 2019.

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