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Ransomware Attacks in a Protected Environment

Blog Post

Ransomware Attacks in a Protected Environment

Marius Goeddert
Sep 15, 2023

In today's episode of the cyberfiles we talk to Florian Jörgens, Chief Information Security Officer of the Vorwerk Group. Vorwerk is a German industry giant producing a wide range of products from the kitchen appliance Thermomix to robotic vacuum cleaners and more.

At cyberevolution, Florian will give a 90-minute workshop entitled "Hacked! 72 Hours of a CISO's Nightmare"  in which he will highlight the immediate steps and strategies essential to mitigating damage and restoring operations after a successful cyberattack.

KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Marius Goeddert joined KuppingerCole in 2019 as Marketing Manager Communications. He is responsible for corporate communications, public relations as well as direct marketing campaigns for events. Prior to joining KuppingerCole, Marius worked in media analysis, news monitoring and communications consulting for the automotive industry. He studied Political Science and American Studies.
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