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Making Cybersecurity ‘Lagom’

Blog Post

Making Cybersecurity ‘Lagom’

Marius Goeddert
Sep 26, 2023

In today's episode of the cyberfiles we talk to Patrick Shirazi, Enterprise Security Architect at Swedbank, who thinks cybersecurity needs to be balanced. In accordance with the Swedish concept of ‘Lagom’, cybersecurity should not be too strict and not too lenient.

At cyberevolution, Patrick will give a session entitled "The Human Factor: Why people are the main key to cybersecurity" in which he will present several use cases to demonstrate why it is essential to consider the human factor in any organization’s cyber threat landscape.

KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Marius Goeddert joined KuppingerCole in 2019 as Marketing Manager Communications. He is responsible for corporate communications, public relations as well as direct marketing campaigns for events. Prior to joining KuppingerCole, Marius worked in media analysis, news monitoring and communications consulting for the automotive industry. He studied Political Science and American Studies.
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