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Foresight Consulting in Cybersecurity

Blog Post

Foresight Consulting in Cybersecurity

Marius Goeddert
Nov 07, 2023

In their constant quest for keeping organizations secure, cybersecurity professionals always need to look into the future in order to assess the likelihood of potential attacks. They need to combine their knowledge of the past and the present with their evaluation of the development of prominent attack vectors and come to a risk assessment for their work in the future.

In his discussion with our CEO Berthold Kerl, Jonathan Blanchard Smith, Director and Fellow at SAMI Consulting, suggests that “foresight consulting is explicitly not looking into the crystal ball”. Instead, when he and his team created the SAFIRE scenarios for the European Commission, they focused on the fact that there is not just one possible future but many. Hence, you need not only prepare for the future, but for several futures.

Tune in to Jonathan’s cyberfile today and take a glimpse into his two-part workshop on future scenario analysis which he will give at cyberevolution 2023 on Tuesday, November 14. Join us in Frankfurt or online.

Part one “Shaping the cybersecurity landscape of the future using the SAFIRE Scenarios” deals with exploring the intricacies of future scenario analysis using the cutting-edge SAFIRE methodology and decoding the interplay of societal, technological, economic, environmental, and political factors that shape our digital future.

Part two “SAFIRE Scenarios – four Futures for the world (continued)” is all about enriching your strategic thinking and scenario-building skills with the SAFIRE approach.

KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Marius Goeddert joined KuppingerCole in 2019 as Marketing Manager Communications. He is responsible for corporate communications, public relations as well as direct marketing campaigns for events. Prior to joining KuppingerCole, Marius worked in media analysis, news monitoring and communications consulting for the automotive industry. He studied Political Science and American Studies.
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